Solar Panel Installation

Solar Panel Installation

Solar panels are an eco-friendly technology using the sun’s energy to generate electricity. They comprise small cells made of a special material called silicon. When sunlight shines on these cells, it creates an electric current that is then utilised to power your business or home.

A solar PV system usually consists of multiple panels, and each panel can produce about 250W-400W of energy when the sunlight is strong. An inverter is installed as the system’s component to convert the electricity from the panels into a form your appliances can use.

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Power Up Your Place with Expert Solar PV Installers

Solar Solutions Oxford is a premier solar panel installation company in the UK, specialising in turn-key solutions for new build properties and retrofitting existing homes.

With our extensive knowledge of renewable energy systems, we have proved ourselves as the industry leader. Our skilled solar panel installers are adept at handling projects of all sizes, ranging from small domestic installations to large-scale commercial roof projects and ground mount systems.

We take pride in providing exceptional customer services, ensuring a seamless experience from your initial enquiry to the successful completion of your solar installation.

How can Solar Panels Benefit your home?

  • Reduced electricity bills. Solar panels produce electricity to power your premises, making you less dependent on the grid and saving electricity bills.
  • Enhanced home value. Solar panels increase your property’s value and make it more interesting for buyers.
  • Environmental benefits. Solar panels are a sustainable energy source, making no greenhouse gases; they help minimise your carbon footprint and make the environment cleaner.
  • Home security. Solar panels help make your home more secure by providing a backup power source during a power outage.

Do You Need Planning Permission for Solar PV Installations?

In most cases, solar PV installations on homes can be done without getting permission from the local authority. This is because they are usually considered ‘permitted development’ under the law. However, there are some exceptions.

You must obtain planning permission to install solar panels on a flat roof; panels must be bent at least 0.2 metres further from the roof slope to receive sufficient sunlight, and doing so breaks the permitted development rule, which says that the system cannot extend more than 0.2 metres above the plane of the roof slope.

Other than the flat roofs, a listed building or monument cannot have solar panels installed on it without obtaining both listed buildings and planning permission. These types of properties have additional regulations and restrictions in place.

Get in touch with us

Solar Solutions Oxford is Oxfordshire’s Solar PV specialist, We can fit solar panels with or without battery storage. Contact Us 01865 570773

Solar Panel

What Is Our Solar Panel Installation Process?

Solar Solutions Oxford has been in the field of renewable energy for years and has been regularly completing all sorts of solar system installations throughout the UK. Our solar power installation process is simple and usually completed through the following steps:


If you are seeking advice or would like a free quote, we would love to chat about all things solar with you.